Jangan Takut Naik Flight Sebab...

WOW : firedauz 08/Apr/2014

Jangan takut naik flight sebab anda mungkin terlepas pemandangan indah ciptaan Yang Maha Esa. Mana tahu apa yang anda lihat hanya muncul sekali dalam seumur hidup dan peluang begini hanya boleh dilihat dari tempat tinggi. So, jangan takut naik flight. Enjoy.

01 1 You might see Chicago039s skyline reflected

02 2 You could see a rainstorm like this off in

03 3 Because a solar eclipse at 44000 ft is pret

04 4 And seeing the highest point in Africa will

05 5 For the sunrises

06 6 And the sunsets

07 7 And waterfalls you039ll never see from the

08 8 You could witness a forest fire

09 9 And finally understand why everyone thinks

10 10 You could ride an endless sea of clouds wi

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